EST Kinnisvara has updated its logo

We have updated our logo, which we have been using since 2003. Our long-standing partner Marko Saue has given the EST Kinnisvara logo, which he himself originally designed, a fresh and contemporary...

Commercial building in Tartu added to EST Kinnisvara portfolio

Under the aegis of EST Kinnisvara, the Aardla commercial building at Võru 79 in Tartu changed owners. The new owner is our long-term client Varoteks OÜ. Under the aegis of EST Kinnisvara, the Aardla commercial building at Võru 79 in Tartu changed owners. The new owner is our long-term client Varoteks OÜ. The tenants of the 4805 m 2 commercial centre are ONOFF retail, Olerex, G4S Eesti,...

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